Below is an outline of the steps required for the landing page integration.

1. Load the JS script for the landing page module

This script needs to be added to the HTML of the page that will render the landing page widget; we typically recommend adding it to the <footer> of the page. The specific script will be provided to you by your FindMine Account Representative.

<script type="text/javascript" src="//<client-identifier>.js"></script>

2. Add the target DOM containers to the page's HTML

The following HTML element needs to be added to the location on the page where the module will render:

<div id="findmine-widget-app-container"></div>

3. Call the FindMineWidget match method to render the landing page

The landing page JS uses a method that accepts a Application ID and Widget ID parameters used to identify and return all required product information and data used to render the landing page.

This method call can be wrapped in a <script> tag within the page's HTML, or called elsewhere in the code on your page.

window.onload = function() {
    application: '<client-application-id>',
    widget_id: <client-widget-id>,

If all is successful, the FindMine landing page will render on the page.