Guide to map transaction variables to FindMine's required parameters.

Transaction Data

Google Parameter FM Parameter Description
Transaction ID Transaction ID A unique id for the transaction (e.g. ABC123)
Affiliation App ID A unique id identifying a specific client's trafficProvided to you by FindMine.
Revenue Total Price Total cost of the order after discounts are applied and excluding tax and shipping(e.g. 59.99)
Tax Tax Amount of tax applied to the order (e.g. 12.32)
Shipping Shipping Cost of shipping the order (e.g. 15.99)
Custom Customer ID A unique id representing the customer performing the transaction - should not change for a logged in user. It can be a hash of a customer id corresponding to a logged in user. This provides the highest accuracy for analyzing user spending and determining style preferences.
Custom Total Discount Amount discounted from the order (e.g. 5.00)

Item Data

Google Parameter FM Parameter Description
SKU Product SKU Product identifier specifying the variant (color + size + other ids) of the product
Price Product Price Prices of the products after discount
Quantity Product Quantity Number of units bought per product
Custom Product List Price Prices of the products before discount
Custom Product ID Product identifier not specific to size (ex. **product_ids=1,2,3). This ID must match exactly to the product ID passed into the JavaScript module and/or API, as well as the product ID sent through your product feed.
Custom Color ID Color identifier, ex. color_ids=blue5,blue3,blue3*.*This ID must match exactly to the color ID passed into the JavaScript module and/or API, as well as the color ID sent through your product feed.