FindMine tracks user interactions with Complete the Look and Visually Similar APIs for performance reporting, user session tracking, and machine learning feedback.

<aside> 📢 If you are implementing Complete the Look v3 using the JavaScript App, there is no additional implementation work needed on your end.


<aside> 📢 If you are integrating with the FindMine APIs directly, an interaction pixel integration is required.


This guide covers how to send interaction data to FindMine.  If you are interested in sending FindMine interactions to your analytics platform, see our article on Callbacks.

The Pixel


Basic Query Parameters

Parameter Required Description Required for which KPIs
application Yes A unique id identifying a specific client's traffic provided to you by your account representative. All KPIs
session_id Yes Sometimes referred to as a visitor id, this is a unique id tied to a 30 day browsing session. This provides useful granular data on spending behavior. All KPIs
interaction Yes Field which specifies the type of interaction performed. These values are customizable. Refer to the example values in the tables below, specific to Complete the Look and Visually Similar. All KPIs
customer_id No A unique id representing the customer performing the transaction - should not change for a logged in user. It can be a hash of a customer id corresponding to a logged in user. This provides the highest accuracy for analyzing user spending and determining style preferences.
country No The site's 2-letter ISO country code (for international clients only)
language No The site's 2-letter ISO language code (for international clients only)

Interaction Parameters for the Complete the Look API


Parameter Values Required Description Required for which KPIs
interaction=page_view Yes Sent when user loads the page. Used to track overall traffic to the page. Interaction rate, RPV, Check out conversion
interaction=page_load_with_fm Yes Sent when the FM widget successfully loads on the page. Used to track pages that have a FM module present on it. Coverage
interaction=fm_module_view Yes Sent when user scrolls down to where the FM widget is visible. Used to track impressions of the FM module on the page. Interaction rate for engaged shoppers
interaction=item_click Yes Sent when user clicks on an item image in the look. Used to track interactions with the FM module. Interaction rate for shoppers, revenue contribution, AOV, RPV, Conversion
interaction=next_click No User clicked on the 'Next' button in the module to go to the next look. Used to track increased engagement within FM module.
interaction=previous_click No User clicked on the 'Previous' button in the module to go to the previous look. Used to track increased engagement within FM module.
interaction=image_expand_click No User clicked on an 'Expand Item Image' button. Used to track increased engagement within FM module.

Interacted item/look attributes

Parameter Values Required Description
response_uuid Yes UUID which is in the Complete-The-Look response
item_id Yes (see Description) FindMine item_id of the item interacted with(e.g. LFK214). This is required if the interaction is item_click. The item_id is not required if the interaction is next_click or previous_click.
set_id Yes The FindMine set id of the set/look interacted with(e.g. 1234)
set_item_ids No FindMine item_id of each item in the set/look interacted with.
featured No This field is in the Complete-The-Look response if a set is featured. It can be set to either true or false.