
The Item Details endpoint is a lightweight solution for performing two key actions:

  1. Setting the stock (in stock / out of stock) attribute for one item
  2. Setting the sale status (on sale / not on sale) attribute for one item

The Item Details API is disabled by default. If you wish to set stock or sale status via API, please contact your Customer Experience representative to enable this feature.

API Endpoint


<aside> 📢 For setting stock or sale status, the POST method must be used.



Posts must be content-type: application/json and the passed data must be in JSON format. The responses are plain JSON.

General Parameters

Parameter Required Type Description
application Yes String The application parameter is a unique identifier provided to you at the start of integration. This identifier is not an authorization secret, it is safe and required to embed in your public HTML. Example: **application=AB1212CDABCD
product_* Yes String(s) Product identifying information. One or more strings that uniquely identify each visually distinct product, most often a product identifier and a color identifier. The exact parameter names will be configured for your integration during onboarding, and reflect the specific product variation structure of your catalog. These parameters must match identifiers in the product catalog feed exactly. Example: product_id=P-12&product_color_id=C-34
Example: product_id=P-12

Product Parameters

Note that these parameters are specifically for setting stock or pricing attributes. Any request attempting to set these parameters must use the POST method.

Parameter Required Type Description
product_in_stock Yes Boolean Is the product in stock and available for purchase? true if in stock and available for purchase. false if out of stock or otherwise unavailable for purchase. Example: **product_in_stock=false
product_on_sale Yes Boolean Is the product currently on sale? true if an original price and discounted price are being shown, false if the product is still at the original price.

Response Format

Successful Stock Update